However, if surgical cases did not overlap among reports by even

However, if surgical cases did not overlap among reports by even the same institute, these reports were all included. Reports with fewer than 10 cases of SILC and review articles were excluded from this study. Data extracted for this study were taken from the published reports; authors were not contacted to obtain additional information. All articles selected for SB203580 152121-47-6 full text review were distributed to 2 reviewers (T.M and S.L.), who independently decided on inclusion/exclusion and independently abstracted the study data. Any discrepancies in agreement were resolved by consensus. The flow chart of this selection process is summarized in Figure 2. Figure 2 Flow chart of the selection process for studies included in the systematic review. 2.3.

Result of the Literature Research By using the above search strategy, a total of 249 potentially relevant citations were found. After the exception of 98 duplicated citations, we excluded 86 articles irrelevant of surgical specialty and 37 relevant articles with fewer than 10 cases by reviewing titles and abstracts. 28 publications were selected for review of full text, and 4 studies with no relevant data and 3 review articles were excluded from our paper. Twenty-one studies [19�C39] with a total of 477 patients undergoing SILC met the criteria for analysis providing level 2�C4 evidence (Table 1). There were one multi-institutional study and a total of 9 comparative studies including 6 case-matched ones between SILC and other minimally invasive procedures. There were no randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses in the selected literature.

Table 1 Characteristics of patients undergoing single-incision laparoscopic colorectal surgery. 3. Results 3.1. Indications and SILC Procedures Demographic information and preoperative parameters are shown in Table 1. All studies except 4 performed SILC for colon cancer cases [21, 26, 29, 38]. Among them, 18 studies also included benign colon disease (diverticulitis, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, polyps, etc.) [21, 22, 24�C39]. The most common surgical procedures performed in these series were right hemicolectomy (n = 277), followed by sigmoidectomy (n = 81). Anterior resections were performed in 5 of 22 studies (n = 37). Range of body mass index (BMI) was 21.9�C30.0kg/m2 in each study. 3.2. Surgical Instruments AV-951 and Skin Incision Length All studies except one [30] used commercially available single port devices as summarized in Table 3. Chen et al. used a surgical glove attached with three trocars for the purpose of reestablishing the pneumoperitoneum after extraction of the specimen and anastomosis [30]. Ross et al., instead of a single access device, used multiple trocars placed through a single skin incision for some patients [32].

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