(z/N*)∂N/∂z=Φ(z/L) Using this

formula the final equation

(z/N*)∂N/∂z=Φ(z/L). Using this

formula the final equation can be derived using asymptotic forms from the M-O theory (z/L → 0 gives f → ln |z/L|): equation(3) N(z)=N*ln(z)+C.N(z)=N*ln(z)+C. Measurements of the aerosol concentration at 5 elevations enabled N* and thus the aerosol fluxes to be calculated. The SSGF should GSK2118436 concentration describe SSA emission when the near-water boundary layer stratification is neutral, i.e. when a logarithmic profile of the SSA concentration exists (z/L → 0). In such conditions positive (upward) fluxes can be measured. These fluxes were used in the subsequent parameterisation (see Figure 2). In the literature both approaches for harmonising particle size are commonly used: the dry particle diameter (Ddry) and the wet radius (R80) at 80% relative humidity (RH) (Ovadnevaitte et al. 2014). All the results presented in this paper were corrected to R80 ( Fitzgerald 1975, Petelski Ibrutinib concentration 2005). The purpose of determining the source functions is to show the correlation between the value of the marine aerosol emission and particle diameter: it depends on different environmental parameters. The sea salt emission depends on the amount of energy wind waves dissipate in the breaking process. This phenomenon is difficult to parameterise (Massel 2007), but as a first approximation one can use wind speed at 10 m elevation (U10) for this. Hence, the designated function depends on the particle radius

r and the wind speed U10. To derive the equation from the data gathered, fluxes not fulfilling the following criteria were rejected. Firstly, if during the daily measuring series we encountered both positive and negative fluxes, such a series was considered to be unreliable. Episodes with a negative flux may be caused by advection of local air pollution (Byčenkienė et al. 2013). Secondly, data gathered when the relative humidity was higher than 95% also were rejected. Finally, the correlation coefficient between the vertical gradient

of SSA and the logarithm of the height provides information about the prevailing conditions similar to the regime of the Monin-Obukhov theory (Petelski 2003). Fluxes with correlation coefficients higher than or equal to 0.9 were accepted for further analysis. The generation function F(U, r) can be presented as the product of two functions 17-DMAG (Alvespimycin) HCl f1(U) and f2(r): equation(4) F(U,r)=f1(U)f2(r),F(U,r)=f1(U)f2(r),where f1(U) represents the overall particle emission [1/m2 s] and f2(r) represents particle sizes [1/μm]. Function f1(U) was found, using the least squares method, by fitting the aerosol flux values to the function AU2 + B. The function was fitted to the values of total aerosol fluxes, i.e. to the mean flux for the full range of measured particle diameters. The use of the quadratic function of wind speed resulted from the fact that the highest correlations between aerosol fluxes and wind speeds were found for the quadratic power ( Petelski et al.

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