One reason why we could not identify the relationships find more between them may be that the story-comprehension levels did not vary among the participants In fact, they answered the questions about the contents of the Story A and Story B almost perfectly (i.e., they marked 6–8 out of 8 in the questions about the contents of the each story). While the present results suggest mechanisms for phonemic restoration in speech comprehension,
only a limited number of participants were tested. To generalize the results, studies involving a larger number of participants are needed. In addition, assessing the neural activities of brain regions located deeply or frontally was difficult using MEG. Some brain regions involved in phonemic restoration might thus have been missed because of the limitations of MEG. Future studies using other neuroimaging techniques, such as fMRI and PET, would address this limitation. We found brain activations related to phonemic restoration for speech comprehension. The left transverse and superior temporal gyri activated in
response to white-noise stimuli while listening to and understanding the spoken stories, and these brain regions seem to contribute to phonemic restoration for speech comprehension through first processing of speech information. The left inferior frontal gyrus, including Broca’s area, was continuously activated throughout listening to and understanding the spoken stories, and this brain region may contribute
to phonemic restoration for speech comprehension through learn more unconscious sensory repair. These findings may help clarify the neural mechanisms of phonemic restoration and develop innovative treatment methods such as new linguistic training strategies for individuals who suffer from impaired speech comprehension, particularly in noisy environments. Twelve healthy male volunteers (mean (± standard deviation (SD)) age, 26.36±5.54 years) were enrolled in this study. Current smokers, individuals with a history of medical illness such as neurological disease, psychiatric disease, or developmental disorders including reading disabilities, or individuals taking chronic medications or supplements that affect the central nervous system were excluded from the Thymidylate synthase study. All participants had normal hearing and were right-handed according to the Edinburgh handedness inventory (Oldfield, 1971). Normal hearing was ensured by pure tone audiometry and the speech discrimination test. Conventional pure-tone audiometry and speech audiometry were performed using a diagnostic audiometer (AA-78; RION, Tokyo, Japan) in a sound-proof room to assess hearing acuity. In pure-tone audiometry, pure-tone hearing ability was judged normal when all of air-conduction pure-tone thresholds recorded at 7 audiometric frequencies, octave intervals from 125 to 8000 Hz, did not exceed 20 dB hearing level (HL).