Conversely, combination therapy with trastu zumab and an ErbB2 Neu T helper peptide vaccine was well tolerated and it was associated with minimal to icity in patients with metastatic breast cancer. In addition, the combinatorial approach of the vaccine with passive immunotherapy resulted in prolonged, robust, antigen specific immune responses in treated patients and induced epitope spreading. In agreement with these evidences it is reasonable to investigate ErbB2 cancer vaccine ap proaches with the aim to improve the objective tumor in hibitory response in salivary gland carcinomas. Po virus represents an attractive delivery vehicle of tumor antigens due to the normal post translational modi fication of the inserted antigen and strong immunogenicity.
Engineered attenuated recombinant vaccinia virus encoding for tumor associated antigens has now been widely employed as a cancer vaccine in several clinical trials. Vaccination with recombinant vaccinia virus can be achieved by systemic or local intratumoral injection. Recently, it was demonstrated that the antitumor activ ity induced by i. t. vaccination with an avipo virus e pressing carcinoembryonic antigen and multiple co stimulatory molecules was superior to that induced by systemic vaccination in CEA transgenic mice. Similarly, we recently demonstrated that local delivery of recombinant vaccinia virus encoding for neu was superior to systemic vaccination in inhibit ing the neu oncogene mediated mammary carcinogenesis. Besides, i. t. injection of recombinant attenuated Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium vaccine has been reported to significantly inhibit Her 2 neu e press ing tumor growth.
The vaccine elicited transformation AV-951 of immunosuppressive myeloid derived suppressor cells into TNF secreting neutrophils and reduced the generation of Treg cells. Similarly, i. t adenovirus vaccination supported the generation of both Neu and Ad specific T effector cells. Of note, it was reported that i. t. vaccin ation with vaccinia e pressing the tumor antigen HY and granulocyte macrophage colony stimulating factor was able to overcome immunological ignorance to the tumor antigen. Head and neck cancers are loco regional dis eases that appear at or close to the body surface and are easily accessible. Thus, the accessibility of salivary gland tumors allow one to envision intratumoral immunother apy in a neoadjuvant setting. The attempt to use intratumoral vaccination in HNC was reported by Dasgupta et al. In this study it was demonstrated that recombinant vaccinia virus e pressing interleukin 2 invoked anti tumor cellular immunity in an orthotopic murine model of HNC. However, no antigen was delivered by using this approach.